a new story

last month i was in oklahoma city and I visited the art museum there, and afterward I sat in a nearby coffee shop and wrote a story that I imagined while looking at the art exhibit. that story was recently published and you can read it here. if you haven't noticed I am very influenced …

new words – spavined

Probably the final word for this book, only 3 pages left. For this one McCarthy uses the second dictionary definition. Spavined - old and decrepit The sentence: "Dervishes of leaves rattled across the yard and in the wind the oaks dipped and creaked, and in the wind even the spavined house hung between the stone …

new words – candent

I'd guessed it was related to incandescent, and was right, but it also recalls cadent, which gives it another feel. Candent - glowing from or as if from great heat Getting near the end now, only a few pages left of The Orchard Keeper: "But that was all he heard, through the door now, running …

new words – tenon

Only about 50 pages left and still regularly encountering gorgeous sentences with interesting words. Tenon - a projecting member in a piece of wood or other material for insertion into a mortise to make a joint From The Orchard Keeper: "They go on--steps soft now in the rank humus earth, or where carapaced with lichens …

new words – purlieu

There are endless gorgeous descriptions of nature in this book. If it's not clear by now I recommend it. This word sounded familiar to me but it turns out I didn't know it after all. Purlieu - an outlying or adjacent district. Environ, neighborhood And here is the sentence, from The Orchard Keeper: "Far below …